Continued Professional Development courses are an excellent way to deepen your understanding of specialised topics and foster your personal, spiritual and professional growth.
We are honoured and privileged to be sharing the teachings of Paul & Suzee Grilley, Bernie Clark and Sarah Powers in a training that honours every body and prompts an introspective path to Self-awareness, as well as providing tools to lead a skilful and meritorious life off the mat. It is our purest intention that this training will offer an opportunity and possibility for deeper personal insights and greater anatomical awareness.
Yin is our gateway to meditation and interiorisation, offering us the space and time to navigate our unique inner landscapes. Topics covered in this 40 hour training include;
Yin is our gateway to meditation and interiorisation, offering us the space and time to navigate our unique inner landscapes. Topics covered in this 40 hour training include;
This training is for teachers and students looking to deepen their awareness of functional yin and embrace the New Science of Yoga. Students will receive their certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Please accept our invitation to integrate this ancient wisdom, and to deepen your understanding of revolutionary new science. May you have the faith and courage to listen with your souls open and to always remain anchored to your hearts.
*2023 dates to be announced